Participants will win:

▪ Education about diversity through interactive games, guides and videos on disability,
gender, race, nationality, age, etc.
▪ Breaking down social prejudices.
▪ Personalized learning based on non-formal education.


The experiential Diversity & Inclusion workshop, utilizing Non-Formal Learning methods,
promotes critical and creative thinking, enhances the sense of teamwork, helps the
interaction of all social groups and enables the participant to discover new and practice
existing skills. The Workshop invites the participant to overcome various “obstacles” by
utilizing his senses, in order to discover a world where inclusion, acceptance, diversity and
respect prevail.


*certificate of attendance will be issued by the certified Lifelong Learning Center of NGO IASIS.

* Since 2015, NGO IASIS, has been certified as complete
Center for Psychosocial Education and Training – VET (ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ 1) by the National
Qualifications and Vocational Guidance Certification Organization (ΕΟΠΠΕΠ)
(License code 2100625).

Duration: 2 hours

Total cost: 50 €

* -20% discount, for early bird, unemployed, students, disabled


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